
Category overview of product type 'Hardeners'

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Matching products: 6


Latent hardener for melamine formaldehyde impregnation resins with long pot-life and high curing activity. CA-340 shows no tendency to blistering in films and does not disturb the flow of the resin in the press during the coating process. - no sagging of resin - long pot life - faster press cycle
Description of Application Ranges
Latent hardener for melamine formaldehyde impregnation resins


Hardener CA-460 is a liquid, katalitic, chloride free, acidic hardener, used for the production of particle board (mainly in combination with MUF- resins). It is added directly to the existing standard hardener or it can substitute it totally. The purpose of this hardener is to improve the mechanical board properties and to reduce significant the binder costs. CA-460 can be also used for UF- resins at 10-15 % substitution (solids : solids) from the standard hardener, to increase of the reactivity of the binder system for shorter press time.
Description of Application Ranges


CA-465 is a liquid combined hardener for the production of particle and fibre boards. - reduction of swelling - reduction of press time - ready to use - reduction of Formaldehyde
Description of Application Ranges
Hardener for UF/MUF



Latent hardener for melamine formaldehyde impregnation resins with long pot-life and high curing activity.



Latent hardener for urea formaldehyde impregnation resins with long pot-life and high curing activity. CA-341 does not contain chloride ions.

Hardener CA-342 MU


CA-342 MU is a high performance hardener for melamine and urea formaldehyde impregnation resins with high curing activity.

Description of Application Ranges

CA-342 MU can be used in all melamine and urea resins which are used for coating of support material such as chipboards, fibreboards and laminated plastic sheets.