
Category overview of product type 'Defoamer'

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Matching products: 2

Defoamer AF-707 R


AF-707 R is a waterbased defoamer which shows already at low dosage excellent results.
AF-707 R is a mixture of modified polymers.
AF-707 R doesn`t contain any alcohols or silicones.
AF-707 R is ready to use and can be added directly to waterbased systems

Description of Application Ranges

Universal usage. Especially suitable for waterbased systems

Defoamer AF-707TX


AF-707TX is a defoamer which shows already at very low dosage excellent results.
AF-707TX is a mixture of modified polymers.
AF-707TX is ready to use and can be added directly to waterbased systems

Description of Application Ranges

Universal usage. Especially suitable for waterbased systems